Computer Fundamentals Multiple choice Questions and Answers on FTP & HTTP for Freshers

1. A program that can retrieve files from the world wide web and render text, images or sounds encoded in the files.

a) Browser
b) Internet
c) Server
d) Web Server
Answer: a

Explanation: A browser or a web browser is a program that can retrieve files from the world wide web. Certain examples are IE, Mozilla, etc.
2. An HTML file is a text file containing small markup tags.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a

Explanation: The statement is true. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a text file containing small markup tags.
3. Which of the following is not a type of browser?

a) Netscape
b) Web
c) IE
d) Mozilla
Answer: b

Explanation: Others except web are web browsers. Web is a type of server. Application that works on client requests.
4. Both client and server release _________ connection after a page has been transferred.

a) IP
b) TCP
c) Hyperlink
d) Network
Answer: b

Explanation: The answer is TCP. TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. Servers receive requests from clients.
5. In HTML, the tags that tell the browser how to display the page.

a) markup
b) style
c) body
d) head
Answer: a

Explanation: Markup is a general term used to refer the types of tags in HTML. The markup tags tell the browser how to display the page.
6. FTP stands for?

a) File Text Protocol
b) File Transfer Protocol
c) Firm Transfer Protocol
d) File Transplant Protocol
Answer: b

Explanation: FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a type of internet service use for the transmission of files.
7. A section in HTML that contains generic information about the document.

a) body
b) title
c) head
d) style
Answer: c

Explanation: The head segment contains a generic info about the document. The head section must come before the body section in an HTML document.
8. A tag similar to that of the italic tag.

Answer: b

Explanation: is a container tag in html that is citation generally in italics. Other tags like or emphasize is also used for this purpose.
9. A _________ partitions a web browser window so that multiple web documents can be displayed simultaneously.

a) Frame
b) set
c) Frameset
d) div
Answer: c

Explanation: A frameset partitions a web browser window so that multiple web documents can be displayed simultaneously. Frameset can have attributes like cols.
10. The _________ attribute specifies the web page to be placed in the frame initially.

a) name
b) src
c) cols
d) rows
Answer: b

Explanation: The src attribute or the source specifies the web page to be placed in the frame initially. It may be subsequently overwritten.


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