Computer Fundamentals Multiple choice Questions and Answers on Abbreviations Related to Internet for Freshers

1. XML stands for?

a) Extensions Made Language
b) Extensible Markup Language
c) Extensible Major Language
d) Extensible Minor Language
Answer: b

Explanation: XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. It allows information to be shared among different computer systems on the Internet.
2. AAA stands for Anonymous Administrative Authority.

a) True
b) False
Answer: b

Explanation: The statement is false. AAA stands for Autonomous Administrative Authority.
3. API is?

a) Advanced Processing Information
b) Application Processing Information
c) Application Programming interface
d) Application Processing Interface
Answer: c

Explanation: API is the application programming interface. It is a set of instructions that allow the creation of applications.
4. GSM stands for?

a) Global System for Monitoring
b) Graphical System for Mobile Telecommunications
c) Graphical System for Monitoring
d) Global System for Mobile Telecommunications
Answer: d

Explanation: The answer is Global System for Mobile Telecommunications. It uses a variation of multiple access on the basis of time and is widely used in Europe.
5. IN stands for?

a) Input
b) InterNet
c) Intelligent Network
d) IntraNet
Answer: c

Explanation: IN stands for Intelligent Network. It is a telephone network that provides technical services.
6. FTP stands for?

a) File Text Protocol
b) File Transfer Protocol
c) Firm Transfer Protocol
d) File Transplant Protocol
Answer: b

Explanation: FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a type of internet service use for the transmission of files.
7. PDU stands for?

a) Protocol Data Unit
b) Professional Data Unit
c) Protocol Distributed Unit
d) Professional Distributed Unit
Answer: a

Explanation: PDU stands for Protocol Data Unit. It is transmitted as a single unit to other units in a computer network.
8. A tag similar to that of the bold tag.

Answer: a

Explanation: is a container tag in html that is similar to bold. It makes the text more valuable as well as bold.
9. ISP is?

a) Intranet System Processing
b) Internet Service Provider
c) Intelligent System Processing
d) Intranet Service Provider
Answer: b

Explanation: ISR stands for Internet Service provider. It is a service that provides access to the internet.
10. NE stands for __________ element.

a) name
b) network
c) new
d) normal
Answer: b

Explanation: The answer is network. NE is the network element. It is any logical entity.


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