Computer Fundamentals Multiple choice Questions and Answers on Virtual Reality for Freshers

1. HMD stands for?

a) Head Mounted Display
b) Head Masked Display
c) Head Made Display
d) Head Mounted Detection
Answer: a

Explanation: It stands for Head Mounted Display. A kind of stereo display with two miniature screens and depth perception.
2. In terms of image analysis, it is important to attend to primary level signs in visual codes, most obviously for examples of still photography.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a

Explanation: The statement is true. This approach categorizes the image analysis into three: position, treatment and content.
3. ______________ keep track of position.

a) Motion analyzers
b) Motion Trackers
c) HMD
d) SMD
Answer: b

Explanation: Motion trackers keep track of position. Other devices are like head trackers and body trackers.
4. BOOM stands for?

a) Binocular Omni-Orientation Manager
b) Binary Omni-Orientation Manager
c) Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor
d) Binary Omni-Orientation Monitor
Answer: c

Explanation: BOOM stands for Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor. It is a type of Stereoscopic display. Guidance of the box by the users.
5. A term for Illusion of immersion by projecting stereo images on the walls and floor of a room.

c) GUI
d) HMD
Answer: a

Explanation: CAVE is the term. CAVE stands for Cave Automatic Virtual Environment.
6. It is a mediated environment which creates the sensation in a user of being present in a (physical) surrounding.

a) WWW
b) VR
c) HMD
d) GUI
Answer: b

Explanation: VR or virtual reality is a mediated environment which creates the sensation in a user of being present in a (physical) surrounding.
7. A term to describe the extent to which a user can modify form and content of a mediated environment.

a) Vividness
b) Richness
c) Interactivity
d) Mapping
Answer: c

Explanation: Interactivity is the extent to which a user can modify form and content of a mediated environment. It comprises speed and mapping.
8. A type of VR environment in which subjects are visually isolated from the real environment.

a) Immersive
b) Semi immersive
c) Non immersive
d) Augmented
Answer: a

Explanation: In immersive VR, subjects are visually isolated from the real environment. A virtual scene is responding to the subjects actions.
9. In this type of VR environment, the three-dimensional scene is considered as a part of the physical environment.

a) Immersive
b) Semi immersive
c) Non immersive
d) Augmented
Answer: c

Explanation: This happens in non-immersive Virtual environment. Also, the subjects do fully respond in the real environment.
10. In this type of VR environment, the subjects can perform both in the real and virtual environment.

a) Immersive
b) Semi immersive
c) Non immersive
d) Augmented
Answer: b

Explanation: The subjects perceive a strong involvement into the VE. Also, the subjects may perform less in the real environment.


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