Computer Fundamentals Multiple choice Questions and Answers on Transmission Modes for Freshers

1. A term that defines the direction of flow of information between devices.

a) interconnectivity
b) intra connectivity
c) transmission mode
d) transmission
Answer: c

Explanation: The term transmission mode defines the direction of flow of information between two communication devices. It tells the direction of signal flow.
2. Transmission mode controls the direction of signal flow.

a) True
b) False
Answer: a

Explanation: The statement is true. The term transmission mode defines the direction of flow of information between two communication devices. It tells the direction of signal flow between two devices.
3. Which of the following isn’t a type of transmission mode?

a) physical
b) simplex
c) full duplex
d) half duplex
Answer: a

Explanation: There are three modes of transmission: simplex, half duplex and full duplex. Transmission modes tell the direction of signal flow between two devices.
4. A transmission that generally involves dedicated circuits.

a) simplex
b) half duplex
c) full duplex
d) semi-duplex
Answer: a

Explanation: The answer is simplex. Simplex generally involves dedicated circuits. TV broadcasting is an example.
5. A transmission mode that can transmit data in both the directions but transmits in only one direction at a time.

a) simplex
b) half duplex
c) full duplex
d) semi-duplex
Answer: b

Explanation: The half duplex mode supports two way traffic but only in one direction at a time. The interactive transmission of data within a time sharing system may be best suited to half-duplex lines.
6. A communication between a computer and a keyboard involves ____________ duplex transmission.

a) simplex
b) half duplex
c) full duplex
d) semi-duplex
Answer: a

Explanation: It involves simplex duplex transmission. Another example of a simplex duplex transmission is loudspeaker system.
7. Telephone networks operate in this mode.

a) simplex
b) half duplex
c) full duplex
d) semi-duplex
Answer: c

Explanation: Telephone networks operate in full duplex mode. It can transmit data in both the directions.
8. Fire alarms are based on this type of transmission:

a) direct
b) network
c) analog
d) multiple
Answer: c

Explanation: Analog transmission is a technique of transmitting voice, data, image, signal or video information. Fire alarm systems work in the same way.
9. A technique of transmitting data or images or videos (information) using a continuous signal.

a) direct
b) network
c) analog
d) multiple
Answer: c

Explanation: Analog is a technique of transmitting data or images or videos (information) using a continuous signal, which varies in amplitude, phase or some other property.
10. A walkie-talkie operates in ____________

a) simplex
b) half duplex
c) full duplex
d) semi-duplex
Answer: b

Explanation: A walkie-talkie operates in half duplex mode. It can only send or receive a transmission at any given time.


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