Sapient Recruitment Process

Sapient Interview questions

About the Company: Sapient

Sapient is a global consulting and marketing company which provides various services to clients such as Business, Marketing and Technology services. Sapient was founded on November 6, 1990 and headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Sapient Operates in three division, which are SapientNitro, Sapient Global Market, and Sapient Government Services. SapientNitro deals with digital Marketing strategies, Sapient Global Market provides business and technology-based services to clients, and Sapient Government Services are the partners with government, health, and educational Organization and offers strategic, digital, and creative services. Sapient works with approximately more than 11,900 employees all over the world.

Key People:

  • Founders: Jerry Greenberg and Stuart Moore
  • CEO and Co-Chairman: Alan J. Herrick

Sapient Recruitment Process

The complete recruitment process of Sapient consists of three main rounds.
Candidates need to clear one round to go for the next, and so on.
The main rounds are:
  1. First Round: Online Written Exam
  2. Second Round: Technical Interview
  3. Third Round: HR Interview

Academic Criteria

  1. Percentage criteria for applying in Sapient is minimum of 6.5 CGPA or 60-65% throughout (Class X, XII, and Graduation).
  2. Education gap must not be more than 1 year.
  3. Candidate should be B.E. / B. Tech or MCA.

First Round: Written Round

Description: The first round consists of an online written exam which has four sections:
  • Verbal Ability
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Technical aptitude
  • Logical reasoning
The first round is a screening round where candidates are checked on the basis of their logical ability, quantitative ability, and basic technical concepts. This round has average difficulty level but requires a good speed.

See the topics in each section with marks and time allotted for that section:

Number of Questions
Time allotted
1. Verbal Ability
o Comprehension Passage
o Fill in the blanks
o Antonyms
o Synonyms
o Sentence Completion
o Vocabulary, etc.
25 Questions
25 min
2. Quantitative Aptitude
o Time and Distance
o Pipes and cistern
o Time and work
o Boat and Stream
o Trains
o Permutation & combination, etc.
25 Questions
35 min
3. Technical aptitude
o C/C++ outputs
o Pointers
o Stable sorting
o Basic concepts of DS
o OOPs Concepts
25 Questions
4. Logical Reasoning
o Data Interpretation
o Statement-Assumption
o Blood Relation
o Series
o Directions
o Word arrangement, etc.
25 Questions
35 min

THIRD Round: HR Interview Questions

The third round of Sapient interview process is HR interview round. This round is dedicated to check candidates' communication skills, soft skills, and Confidence. Hence this is also an important round of the complete process, but it requires a positive attitude with a good confidence level to be selected in Sapient Company.
Following are the mostly asked HR questions:
  1. Describe yourself.
  2. What is popular about Sapient?
  3. From where you get information about Sapient?
  4. Tell me about your educational background?
  5. What is your favourite task to do at a free time?
  6. How is your experience for your previous company?
  7. What is your greatest weakness in regards with work?
  8. What is your greatest strength in regards with work?
  9. Tell me about your organization skills?
  10. Why do you want to join Sapient?


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