Some Competency based Interview Questions for Freshers
Competency based Interview Questions
The competency based interview questions are asked to judge the capability of the candidates. These questions may be asked to know about your weak points, decision making capacity, teamwork skills, responsibility, communication skills, problem solving skills and your managerial decisions etc.
How to answer competency based questions
You must very alert while answering these questions. Firstly, choose some of the key competencies stated in the job description and think of some examples for each one. You should answer according to the intensity of the question.
For example: If the company is looking for someone with excellent team work and leadership skills, you should think of a scenario in which you have demonstrated this. You can also describe a group presentation you have undertaken at school or college level.
1) Give me an example of your sales skills and convincing power.
I believe to emphasize the features of the product or service that reduces costs and solves problems of the customers. It works wonder and most of the times they make their mind to buy the products.
For example: If I have to sell woolen uniform, I don't only emphasize the wool's durability and lasting value of it otherwise I mainly focus on the look and feel of the product.
2) Why did you choose your university and what are the main factors influenced your choice?
I was very happy to be accepted to my first choice, BHU. It is a very prestigious university. I had some friends and some seniors who were a few years older than me that attended and they seemed to have a good experience on that college. I was familiar with that city and have local contacts so I chose.
3) How did you deal with stressful conditions in your previous job?
I think, it is better to work under pressure but the pressure should be good. I always love to work with a deadline and enjoy working in a challenging environment. Generally, I react to situations rather than to stress and that's way the situation is handled and doesn't become stressful.
For example: When I find an unsatisfied customer, rather than feeling stressed, I focus on the task on hand. I believe my ability to communicate effectively and satisfy the customer.
4) Give us an example when your communication makes a difference in a worse condition.
I always love to talk with my colleagues in a decent tone and a loving manner. It always works and I don't think I have any serious conflict with any of my friend or colleague. But I remember, this incident was occurred 4 years ago, in my college life. We, four friends were stuck in a very worse condition. We all falsely charged fine and 15 days suspension for ragging a new comer fresher student. We all were upset and angry but it was me who take an initiative and discuss the whole condition with the principal and get rid from the fine and suspension.
5) What is your biggest failure?
I think my biggest failure was not being selected as an Indian Army officer because I was diagnosed with night vision problem. I was very determined to go there but I couldn't.
6) where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years, I hope to be working with an employer in an increasingly responsible position, it is because it wants to utilize my talents and work closely with my colleagues in solving important problems. I see myself taking on new and exciting challenges in an enjoyable environment and hopefully this will be with your company.
7) Do you have any questions for me?
First of all, a big thanks to you for giving me this great opportunity. I just want to ask you, please tell me if I am selected when I can join your company or if I am not selected which thing I will improve.