Some Important Interview Tips for Freshers

Interview Tips

Job Interview is the most important thing for a job seeker. If you go for an interview you must be well prepared for this because you don't get a second chance to make a great first impression. Here we provide some strategies to improve your interview skills:

1) Practice for good non-verbal communication

The non-verbal communication is used to demonstrate confidence. You should follow these instructions strictly:
  • Stand straight
  • Make eye contact while answering
  • Make a firm handshake
  • Feel confident

2) Dressing Sense

Power dressing is very important to impress the interviewer. It also improves your confidence level. You must be well-groomed. It is better for you to find out company dress code before going for interview.
  • Wear formal dresses
  • Black leather shoes (must be well-polished)
  • Have a professional, simple and nice hair cut
  • Cleanly Shaven

3) Listen carefully

From the beginning of the interview you should listen to every word of the interviewer very carefully. If you are not listening properly, you are missing an opportunity to impress him because sometimes there is a hidden answer in the question already. So you should improve your listening power.

4) Don't talk too much

It is not a good practice to speak unnecessarily. Your answer must be to the point.
  • Speak less but to the point
  • Don't ramble (You must be well prepared to avoid this situation)
  • Focus on your strong skills
  • Speak appropriate sentences

5) Don't be too familiar

All interviewers like to talk in professional manner. You should not try to make a false familiar atmosphere. They are smart and catch all your cunningness in just a minute. So, don't try to be over smart and speak appropriately.

6) Ask questions

Generally when the interviewers ask that if you have a question? Most of the candidates say no. It is a wrong practice. You should ask questions also according to the situation, it shows that you are listening properly and have a keen interest. Asking questions also gives you an opportunity to find the right place for you in the company. But always remember that it should not look artificial.

Top 10 questions that can be asked by candidates

This is a list of top 10 interview questions which can be asked by the candidate when the interviewer done. Generally an interviewer gives a chance to the candidate to ask some questions at the end of the interview. The following questions are written for that situation. These questions make you able to get as much insight as possible into the position and the employer.
  • Que: Can you please describe the responsibilities of the position?
  • Que: What are the biggest challenges of this job?
  • Que: Is this a new position?
  • Que: Can you please describe the company's management style?
  • Que: What are the prospects for the growth?
  • Que: When can I expect to hear from you?
  • Que: If I want to extend the job offer, how soon would you like me to start?
  • Que: What is the best part of working for this company?
  • Que: Is there any possibility for relocation?
  • Que: How much travel is expected?
Note: Although these are the possible questions to ask an interviewer but you should ask these questions according to the situation, experience and the job profile. Always remember that this is not mandatory to ask questions to interviewer. If you are fresher then it is better to shut your mouth or say only some words of appreciation for the interviewer.

List of questions that should not to be asked

Following is a list of questions that you should avoid asking because they would not present you in a positive zone.
  • Que: Did I get this job?
  • Que: Can I change my schedule if I get this job?
  • Que: What are the working areas of this company?
  • Que: If I get the job, can I take a vacation?

7) Don't look desperate

Don't show an attitude that you are dying for this job. You should not look desperate and less confident. It is always beneficial for you to look cool, calm and confident within the whole session of interview. It also makes sure the interviewer that you have some ability and self-confidence and can do something.


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