What is DHTML?

DHTML stands for Dynamic HTML. The first thing that we need to clear about 
DHTML is that it is neither a language like HTML, JavaScript etc. nor a web standard.
 It is just a combination of HTML, JavaScript and CSS. It just uses these languages 
features to build dynamic web pages. DHTML is a feature of Netscape 
Communicator 4.0, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and 5.0 and is entirely a
 "client-side" technology. 
Features of DHTML:

1. Simplest feature is making the page dynamic.

2. Can be used to create animations, games, applications, provide new ways 
of navigating through web sites.

3. DHTML use low-bandwidth effect which enhance web page functionality.

4. Dynamic building of web pages is simple as no plug-in is required.

5. Facilitates the usage of events, methods and properties and code reuse.
As DHTML is not a language and it just use the property of HTML, 
JavaScript and CSS to make dynamic content. So here I will represents 
the working of DHTML with JavaScript with a simple example that just 
greets user with its name:

Example : Data validation program


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