Phalcon Interview Questions for Freshers

Phalcon Interview Question

1) What is Phalcon?

Phalcon is an open-source framework of PHP programming language. Phalcon is the first framework that implements ORM in C-programming language.

2) Enlist the features of Phalcon.

  • Low overhead
  • MVC & HMVC Pattern
  • Dependency Injection
  • Support for Rest
  • Autoloader
  • Router

3) What is loader?

Loader is a class found under Phalcon\Loader directory. It also handles error such as if a class does not exist but it is called in any part of program then special handler is called for handling.

4) What is lazy initialization?

In Loader if a class is added according to its need in program, performance is increased as only specific file is included. This technique is known as lazy initialization.

5) Enlist the methods of loader.

  1. Registering Namespaces
  2. Registering Directories
  3. Registering Classes
  4. Registering Files

6) How can we access to backend in Phalcon?

It is provided by logging services for application. We can login to different backend using different adapters. It offers transaction logging, configuration options, different formats and filters.

7) Enlist the database engines supported by Phalcon.

  • Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql : Mysql
  • Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Postgresql : Postgresql
  • Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Sqlite : SQLite

8) What is PHQL?

PHQL (Phalcon Query Language) allows user to implement query language similar to SQL query language. PHQL is implemented as a parser which connects to RDBMS.

9) Enlist the features of PHQL.

  • It secures the code using bound parameters.
  • It prevents injection by executing one SQL statement per call.
  • It ignores all comments which mostly used in SQL injections.
  • It only allows data manipulation statement to execute.

10) What is Phalcon models?

Model consists of information or data of the application. It manipulates the data by managing the rules.

11) Enlist the following services provided by Phalcon.

  • Database Independence
  • CRUD functionality
  • Advanced finding capabilities
  • Ability to relate models

12) What is zephir in Phalcon?

Zephir stand for Ze(nd Engine) Ph(p) I(nt)r(mediate). It is used for creation and maintainability of extensions for PHP.

13) What are cookies and its type?

Cookies stores small text files in browser. It is known as browser cookies.
Types of cookies are:
  • Session Cookies
  • Persistent Cookies

14) Explain routing in Phalcon.

Routing managed by its Router component. Router components allow us to define routes that are mapped to controllers or handlers that receives the request from the application.

15) What is Session?

Sessions are server-side information storage which helps in user interaction with the website or web application. Each session is consists of unique session ID, which is passed to the web server whenever the browser makes an HTTP request.

16) What is CSRF?

CSRF stands for Cross Site Request Forgery. CSRF is created to prevent the form values from being sent outside our application. It generates a random nonce (token) in each form.

17) How can we increase CSRF timeout in Phalcon ?

CSRF timeout is increased by increasing the token time because tokens default uses sessions.

18) Which protocol is used to encrypt the password in Phalcon?

In Phalcon, md5, base64 and sh1 protocol is used to encrypt the password.

19) Which template engine is used in Phalcon?

Phalcon uses Volt templating Engine. Volt provides Phalcon fast execution as it is very fast and designer friendly templating language written in C for PHP. Volt is inspired by Jinja and written by Armin Ronacher.

20) Explain ODM in Phalcon.

ODM stands for Object Document Mapper. It offers a CRUD functionality, events and validations among other services in Phalcon.


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